Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing everyone a safe, blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving. There is much to be thankful for: Family, friends and even our pets! Of course, I can't leave them out. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So neglectful

In my mind I assume the entire world is on Facebook. I am on there regularly (okay, what I really mean is TOO MUCH!) and I completely forget about my blog. I forget that people read blogspot and not necessarily Facebook.

I have had trouble getting into a healthy, consistent routine since returning from Pennsylvania in August. I have been very apathetic about everything. I see my shrink later this week as I have been told that apathy can be a side effect of the meds I'm taking.

Good news: I am doing freelance transcription work. I got the all clear on my annual PET scan earlier this month. YAY and praise God for both things!

My sister Van visited at the end of October. We walked for the American Cancer Society's Making Strides 5K and got in some nice beach time. Becky came to visit towards the end of Van's visit. I really enjoyed their company. It was fun!

The holidays are quickly descending on us and I am already starting to get a bit blue about all of it. Missing my brothers John, Ed and my folks. The holidays just seem to intensify the loss. I'll figure out a way to muddle through it.

I have a lot of catching up to do on those of you who blog here. I've missed reading about how you are all doing! :(

P.S. I've added a "captcha" step for posting comments. I think we can all do without the Viagra spam. :P