Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bet ya didn't know...

...this law of aerodynamics: A screaming child must be aboard each and every flight. Yep, it's true. Fortunately, the screaming didn't last the whole flight and I was actually able to doze off for a brief time. And the person in front of me didn't recline their seat to within an inch of my face like the flight to Pittsburgh. Much better.

I had a wonderful time while visiting fam and friends. I'll report more on that later. I got into Orlando yesterday afternoon and went to my brother's house to gather up the kids. I brought goodies (food & good chocolate) with me and we got to catch up on things. Amazingly, I managed to lose half a pound. This while maintaining a diet of Easter bread, ham & cheese pie and chocolate all week. Quite miraculous.

Today I'm doing laundry, paying some bills, going through my stack of mail and getting a few grocery items. And resting. I'm tired!

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