Today I met Joyce for lunch then we went to see Expelled: The Movie. WOW. Ben Stein takes on the ivory tower of academia regarding Darwinian and Intelligent Design theories. I've been a fan of Ben's since Ferris Bueller's Day Off. ("Anyone? Anyone?") Hope you get a chance to see this movie.
I did a little shopping after the movie, picked up a prescription, came home, fed the beasts and watered my plants. Naturally, I'm incredibly exhausted. I'm ready to zone out in front of the boob tube.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Joe's Garden Tour Article
Most of you are aware that my brother Joe, in addition to being an English/Journalism teacher and musician, is a freelance writer. He often writes for the Daytona Beach News-Journal. I've attached the article he wrote for the News-Journal about the Garden Tour we went to last weekend:
Stetson, DeLand club team up to spotlight native garden
Tour features president's home, guest lectures
April 13, 2008; Page 01W
DELAND - Native plants inspired Ponce de Leon to name Florida in 1513 from the Spanish phrase Pascua Florida, which means "feast of flowers," so it's appropriate that Florida's native plants be the focus of the Garden Club of DeLand's Home and Garden Tour this weekend..
The centerpiece of the show, which takes place Saturday and Sunday, will be the new Vera Lea Rinker Native Plant Garden adjacent to the Stetson president's home. While there is a charge for the tour, a series of free lectures on environmentally friendly gardening will be offered right across the street.
The 2.6-acre garden features more than 80 trees and thousands of native Florida shrubs, perennials, grasses, ferns and other plants. In addition to a guided tour of the garden and a walk-through of the lower level of the President's House, the tour will feature a Southern tea party as well as water conservation exhibits designed to promote low-water landscaping using native plants. Floral arrangements created by local florists and members of the garden club will be displayed in the landmark historic house and on the grounds.
In addition, Master Gardeners will answer gardening questions, local artists will conduct hands-on projects and display their works, Stetson students will perform musical selections and garden club members dressed in period costumes will stroll the grounds with Bill Dreggors portraying city and university founder Henry A. DeLand and Gary Meadows as university namesake John B. Stetson.
Plants will be sold by the Lyonia Chapter of the Native Plant Society, the Garden Club of DeLand and the Volusia Rose Society. Free guest lectures will take place at the Lynn Business Center on both days. David Rigsby, responsible for the university's streets and grounds, is one of the scheduled speakers offering information about gardening. He'll discuss Florida native plants and the challenge of creating a garden using native plants.
"This is our biggest fundraiser of the year," said garden club member Karen Marusin, vice chairwoman of the tour.
The event's theme is "Go Native - Beyond the Garden Gate," said garden club member Karen Hall, chairwoman of the tour, which offers visitors the opportunity to view Florida native plants in an aesthetically balanced environment. She said the tour theme also fits the National Garden Club's theme "Nurture the Earth - Plant Native" and the Florida Federation of Garden Club's theme "Focus on Florida."
"We as gardeners feel it's important to promote water conservation practices," Hall said.
The university is committed to use only Florida native plants and trees in campus landscaping, said Rigsby, and the initiative is reflected in the Rinker Garden. The university uses reclaimed water to irrigate the garden as necessary.
"The challenge we faced here was arranging the plants in an aesthetic way," Rigsby said. "The garden is landscaped as a mosaic, and we think it's the largest garden of its kind in the state."
The garden was designed by Glenn Herbert of Bellomo-Herbert, a landscape architectural company based in Orlando. Rigsby and his team started the landscaping last May and completed the project in September, but it took more than a year from design to completion.
"It is because of Dave's (Rigsby) passion that this is a reality," said Margaret Lee, a garden club member and wife of the university president.
Tree species in the garden include magnolia, maple, birch, redbud dogwood, cypress, Chickasaw plum, fringe and palm. Plants include firebush, oakleaf hydrangea, Florida anise, St. John's wort, palmetto, Fakahatchee, grass, coontie, blue flag iris, blanket- flower and dune sunflower - all native to Florida.
The Garden Club of DeLand was organized in 1925 and includes 216 members with Anne Tison serving as president, according to Marusin. The club consists of eight circles whose volunteer members provide youth programs, floral design courses, educational opportunities, gardening shows and special events, such as the home and garden tour.
Cutline: Margaret Lee, wife of Stetson University President Dr. H. Douglas Lee, left, and Karen Marusin, vice chairwoman of the Garden Club of DeLand's 2008 Home and Garden Tour, pause during a stroll of the Vera Lea Rinker Native Plant Garden adjacent to the President's House. The 2.6-acre garden is the focus of the tour, which takes place Saturday and Sunday.
Stetson, DeLand club team up to spotlight native garden
Tour features president's home, guest lectures
April 13, 2008; Page 01W
DELAND - Native plants inspired Ponce de Leon to name Florida in 1513 from the Spanish phrase Pascua Florida, which means "feast of flowers," so it's appropriate that Florida's native plants be the focus of the Garden Club of DeLand's Home and Garden Tour this weekend..
The centerpiece of the show, which takes place Saturday and Sunday, will be the new Vera Lea Rinker Native Plant Garden adjacent to the Stetson president's home. While there is a charge for the tour, a series of free lectures on environmentally friendly gardening will be offered right across the street.
The 2.6-acre garden features more than 80 trees and thousands of native Florida shrubs, perennials, grasses, ferns and other plants. In addition to a guided tour of the garden and a walk-through of the lower level of the President's House, the tour will feature a Southern tea party as well as water conservation exhibits designed to promote low-water landscaping using native plants. Floral arrangements created by local florists and members of the garden club will be displayed in the landmark historic house and on the grounds.
In addition, Master Gardeners will answer gardening questions, local artists will conduct hands-on projects and display their works, Stetson students will perform musical selections and garden club members dressed in period costumes will stroll the grounds with Bill Dreggors portraying city and university founder Henry A. DeLand and Gary Meadows as university namesake John B. Stetson.
Plants will be sold by the Lyonia Chapter of the Native Plant Society, the Garden Club of DeLand and the Volusia Rose Society. Free guest lectures will take place at the Lynn Business Center on both days. David Rigsby, responsible for the university's streets and grounds, is one of the scheduled speakers offering information about gardening. He'll discuss Florida native plants and the challenge of creating a garden using native plants.
"This is our biggest fundraiser of the year," said garden club member Karen Marusin, vice chairwoman of the tour.
The event's theme is "Go Native - Beyond the Garden Gate," said garden club member Karen Hall, chairwoman of the tour, which offers visitors the opportunity to view Florida native plants in an aesthetically balanced environment. She said the tour theme also fits the National Garden Club's theme "Nurture the Earth - Plant Native" and the Florida Federation of Garden Club's theme "Focus on Florida."
"We as gardeners feel it's important to promote water conservation practices," Hall said.
The university is committed to use only Florida native plants and trees in campus landscaping, said Rigsby, and the initiative is reflected in the Rinker Garden. The university uses reclaimed water to irrigate the garden as necessary.
"The challenge we faced here was arranging the plants in an aesthetic way," Rigsby said. "The garden is landscaped as a mosaic, and we think it's the largest garden of its kind in the state."
The garden was designed by Glenn Herbert of Bellomo-Herbert, a landscape architectural company based in Orlando. Rigsby and his team started the landscaping last May and completed the project in September, but it took more than a year from design to completion.
"It is because of Dave's (Rigsby) passion that this is a reality," said Margaret Lee, a garden club member and wife of the university president.
Tree species in the garden include magnolia, maple, birch, redbud dogwood, cypress, Chickasaw plum, fringe and palm. Plants include firebush, oakleaf hydrangea, Florida anise, St. John's wort, palmetto, Fakahatchee, grass, coontie, blue flag iris, blanket- flower and dune sunflower - all native to Florida.
The Garden Club of DeLand was organized in 1925 and includes 216 members with Anne Tison serving as president, according to Marusin. The club consists of eight circles whose volunteer members provide youth programs, floral design courses, educational opportunities, gardening shows and special events, such as the home and garden tour.
Cutline: Margaret Lee, wife of Stetson University President Dr. H. Douglas Lee, left, and Karen Marusin, vice chairwoman of the Garden Club of DeLand's 2008 Home and Garden Tour, pause during a stroll of the Vera Lea Rinker Native Plant Garden adjacent to the President's House. The 2.6-acre garden is the focus of the tour, which takes place Saturday and Sunday.
I deserve a medal!

Friday night was Deltona's Relay for Life event. I was on the hospital's team, which included several members of my BC support group. It was a very nice event. It was odd to be standing on stage with other cancer survivors and being applauded as we did the survivors' lap. Very surreal. I didn't stay for a real long time; I had been gardening and painting during the day and I was pretty tired. I was watching TV later that night and couldn't keep my eyes open. Needless to say, I went to bed early.
I decided to attack the red wall again. After 3 coats, I think it looks good. Now I have a lot of touch up work to do on the baseboards. I'm bleaching the grout and I think it'll come out if I keep doing it (over and over). I've moved on to the other walls I'm doing in taupe. Actually the color is called "Au Lait Ole." Clever, eh?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
What was I thinking???
One career I won't be seeking: Professional painter. Honestly, precision is not my thing. The taupe paint is very good to work with. The red? Oh, bad, bad, bad. Occasionally, I get a bad case of butterfingers, dropping stuff all the time. Not a good thing to do with a tray of red paint. Flipped it upside down today. #&$*@#(! All over the tile floor. Getting it off porcelain tile isn't too bad; the grout is another story all together. If anyone has an idea how to remove this crap off my grout, pls clue me in. Tile is great to have with house pets, but not so great if you drop stuff. I once dropped a bottle of red nail polish which broke and went everywhere. I was able to bleach most of it out of the grout. Not sure if it'll work for paint. Anyway, I am going to beg someone to paint the 2 red walls. I give up. Imagine what kind of mood I'm in. Hint: Not a good one.
And I was in a horrible, horrible mood the other day. I already know that not taking Zoloft for several days (or longer) is not a good idea. It's usually because I don't refill it soon enough. This time, however, it was my insurance company giving me grief. I can't refill at my pharmacy anymore. I'm forced to do mail order. Granted, it's cheaper that way, but not by much. Well, I didn't have a 3 month script for mail order, so I made an appointment to see my shrink. Yes, I go to one. You can't possibly be surprised. I asked Caremark if I could get one refill to hold me over until I got the mail order, but they said they can only permit 2 per year at the pharmacy. When I received my Caremark info this year, which never comes before the benefits start, I reviewed it and saw nothing about a 2 refill limit. The rep told me I could have my doc write the script differently (different mg) and it should go through. Did that, and it still was rejected. Now it's been a week since I had taken Zoloft (actually, the generic form). I already paid for a week out of pocket until I could get an appointment with my doctor. As I indicated before, my fuse was short. This short ....... No, more like .. When I called Caremark again, I promptly went off on the poor person who received my call. Very Christian-like of me. I warned her I was off my meds ahead of time. I asked (no, demanded) to speak to a manager, which did me no good. The manager did try to help, though. So I ended up purchasing 10 days worth this time and hopefully I'll get the order delivered before then. I try not to complain about insurance too much, because I know people who have no coverage. It must've been harmonic convergence, planet alignment, or something like that for me to lose it like that on the phone. Kidding.
I still have aches and pains. Makes it hard to do things without getting tired and sore. The hot flashes have increased. When I get one, it feels like I have a fever. I'm always turning ceiling fans off and on. Hot, cold, hot, cold. The bottom line is that I'm frustrated that I can't do everything I want to. It's not easy to acknowledge your limitations. Sigh.
And I was in a horrible, horrible mood the other day. I already know that not taking Zoloft for several days (or longer) is not a good idea. It's usually because I don't refill it soon enough. This time, however, it was my insurance company giving me grief. I can't refill at my pharmacy anymore. I'm forced to do mail order. Granted, it's cheaper that way, but not by much. Well, I didn't have a 3 month script for mail order, so I made an appointment to see my shrink. Yes, I go to one. You can't possibly be surprised. I asked Caremark if I could get one refill to hold me over until I got the mail order, but they said they can only permit 2 per year at the pharmacy. When I received my Caremark info this year, which never comes before the benefits start, I reviewed it and saw nothing about a 2 refill limit. The rep told me I could have my doc write the script differently (different mg) and it should go through. Did that, and it still was rejected. Now it's been a week since I had taken Zoloft (actually, the generic form). I already paid for a week out of pocket until I could get an appointment with my doctor. As I indicated before, my fuse was short. This short ....... No, more like .. When I called Caremark again, I promptly went off on the poor person who received my call. Very Christian-like of me. I warned her I was off my meds ahead of time. I asked (no, demanded) to speak to a manager, which did me no good. The manager did try to help, though. So I ended up purchasing 10 days worth this time and hopefully I'll get the order delivered before then. I try not to complain about insurance too much, because I know people who have no coverage. It must've been harmonic convergence, planet alignment, or something like that for me to lose it like that on the phone. Kidding.
I still have aches and pains. Makes it hard to do things without getting tired and sore. The hot flashes have increased. When I get one, it feels like I have a fever. I'm always turning ceiling fans off and on. Hot, cold, hot, cold. The bottom line is that I'm frustrated that I can't do everything I want to. It's not easy to acknowledge your limitations. Sigh.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Weekend stuff
Everything hurts. Back, hip, legs....well, my arms aren't sore. I think I have to make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor. When I saw my medical oncologist last, I told him I was having trouble with the bursitis in my hip. It's been an on and off thing for years, but it seems to be getting worse. He gave me the name of a doctor to see if I continued to have problems. I feel like I'm 90 sometimes!
It was too hot this weekend to work outside, so I started painting today, but didn't get too much done due to the discomfort. I really just wanted to do a small wall to see how the color looked. It looks good! I'm using a rich taupe for most of the walls. I'm using red as an accent on the wall behind my sofa and the wall behind my bed. That's adventurous enough for now! I have vaulted ceilings (typical in Florida), so I'll need help with the high walls. And the baseboards...ouch!
Yesterday Joe, Linda and I went to the Deland Garden Club's tour of the home and gardens of Stetson University's president.
The Vera Lea Rinker Native Plant Garden was completed last year. Everything is native to Florida except for the lawns; they are comprised of Zoysia grass. The president's wife greeted everyone as they arrived. They also had some nice jazzy live music, refreshments and native plants for sale. I liked how very Southern everything looked. The house and the grounds are beautiful.
The pavilion in the foreground was added in 1994 to the original home, which was built in 1910.
Later that afternoon, I went to watch Joe jam with some fellow musicians for a fundraiser for a couple of ailing bikers. My hair stylist's boyfriend is a drummer and Joe and he finally got to meet and play together. Christine and I stuck around for awhile listening to the music.
My bro is the dude in the straw hat. They all sounded very good!
The folks who organized the event auctioned off dozens of things, including this sign that the woman is holding. I want one that says Parking for Italians Only. :)
Bella is doing very well. Back to barking and eating as normal. She doesn't have bad breath anymore! Stella is being a good sister again. My friend Denise mentioned that Stella may have smelled the Novocaine in Bella's mouth (she often looks there for food, lol) and I figure that's got to be the reason she was avoiding her. So all is well on the puppy (and kitty) front.
It was too hot this weekend to work outside, so I started painting today, but didn't get too much done due to the discomfort. I really just wanted to do a small wall to see how the color looked. It looks good! I'm using a rich taupe for most of the walls. I'm using red as an accent on the wall behind my sofa and the wall behind my bed. That's adventurous enough for now! I have vaulted ceilings (typical in Florida), so I'll need help with the high walls. And the baseboards...ouch!
Yesterday Joe, Linda and I went to the Deland Garden Club's tour of the home and gardens of Stetson University's president.
Later that afternoon, I went to watch Joe jam with some fellow musicians for a fundraiser for a couple of ailing bikers. My hair stylist's boyfriend is a drummer and Joe and he finally got to meet and play together. Christine and I stuck around for awhile listening to the music.
Bella is doing very well. Back to barking and eating as normal. She doesn't have bad breath anymore! Stella is being a good sister again. My friend Denise mentioned that Stella may have smelled the Novocaine in Bella's mouth (she often looks there for food, lol) and I figure that's got to be the reason she was avoiding her. So all is well on the puppy (and kitty) front.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Bella Bella
Yesterday Ms. Bella had 6 teeth removed. She was not in a good mood when I brought her home. She seems a bit better today, but is not quite ready to sink the teeth she has left into a big chunk of sirloin. Not that I would do that, mind you. The really odd thing....Stella is keeping far away from her. She won't even lay on the slumber ball with her. VERY odd. Stella is kind of goofy by nature, but this is just weird. They are very rarely apart so I didn't expect the cold shoulder toward Bella. Nice going, Stella. Way to be there for your sister. Pffft!
On Thursday I bought paint at Lowe's. I am going to paint the rest of the house myself. Yes, that is correct. The summer before last, my niece Marissa painted my 2 guest rooms and the guest bath. I did the patching. This time, I will attempt to do all the other rooms myself. I am SO tired of the boring white walls. This should be fun.
Later on Thursday Linda and I separated the tons of lilies and irises. Now I'm trying to figure out where to plant them. All the work I've been doing outside is paying off. It's starting to look good. Lots more to do, but the progress is encouraging.
Today we're going to a garden show sponsored by the DeLand Garden Club. My sister Van was here last year when we went. Beautiful homes and beautiful gardens to view and then you come home and get depressed when you look at your own stuff in comparison. Oddly enough, I'm looking forward to it again! ;-)
On Thursday I bought paint at Lowe's. I am going to paint the rest of the house myself. Yes, that is correct. The summer before last, my niece Marissa painted my 2 guest rooms and the guest bath. I did the patching. This time, I will attempt to do all the other rooms myself. I am SO tired of the boring white walls. This should be fun.
Later on Thursday Linda and I separated the tons of lilies and irises. Now I'm trying to figure out where to plant them. All the work I've been doing outside is paying off. It's starting to look good. Lots more to do, but the progress is encouraging.
Today we're going to a garden show sponsored by the DeLand Garden Club. My sister Van was here last year when we went. Beautiful homes and beautiful gardens to view and then you come home and get depressed when you look at your own stuff in comparison. Oddly enough, I'm looking forward to it again! ;-)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I hate headaches!
I woke up with a migraine headache this morning. Took something, had some breakfast, then promptly upchucked it. Usually when I get a migraine the only thing I can do is try to sleep it off. I drank some ginger ale and went back to bed. Tried to sleep, but someone in the neighborhood was doing some serious buzz sawing. I dozed in between the BBZZZZZZZZ's. The headache is almost gone now, but my plans for the day were shot.
The last time I had a headache that bad was a couple of days before my lumpectomy. I had an MRI with contrast and fasting blood work that day. If I don't eat something in the morning I get a raging headache. I don't know if the contrast contributed to it, but by the time I got to the hospital for blood work, x-rays, etc., I was extremely nauseous with a full-blown migraine. The nurses had me lie down in a dark room, it was so bad. I not only got sick there, but also driving home! I had to go back the next day for the chest x-ray. That was awful. I never even got close to that kind of sick during chemo!
Aren't you glad I shared that little story with you??
The last time I had a headache that bad was a couple of days before my lumpectomy. I had an MRI with contrast and fasting blood work that day. If I don't eat something in the morning I get a raging headache. I don't know if the contrast contributed to it, but by the time I got to the hospital for blood work, x-rays, etc., I was extremely nauseous with a full-blown migraine. The nurses had me lie down in a dark room, it was so bad. I not only got sick there, but also driving home! I had to go back the next day for the chest x-ray. That was awful. I never even got close to that kind of sick during chemo!
Aren't you glad I shared that little story with you??
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Told ya!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Cool breeze
Finally some cooler weather! It arrived Sunday and will last a couple of more days. I've been taking advantage of it by working outside. I got bit on the arm by a giant black ant over the weekend. Right now it looks like a boil. Gross. It still itches, too.
On Saturday, Linda and I went to Winter Park. A friend's daughter is redoing some of her landscaping and had tons of African irises and peace lilies taken out. We have them now. Yay, free flowers! We also went to Whole Foods Market while in Winter Park and I got some Stravecchio Parmesan that I tasted the last time I was there. Awesome. I found this tidbit on a website: Stravecchio (extra-old) Parmesan is aged over two years. "Vecchio" (old) is aged from 1 1/2 to 2 years. These two are the cheeses sold and used for grating. Most Parmesan is sold as "vecchio".
That's your Italian lesson for the day. Old or extra-old, it's good stuff!
I saw my surgeon this afternoon to have her check out the area of my lumpectomy scar. She said it's very typical for there to be residual swelling of the tissue after radiation and that it could be that way for some time. She checked it out via ultrasound her examining room and didn't see any fluid that sometimes accumulates. So everything is okay, thank God. My doc said that the only way to be 100% sure it's nothing serious is to remove it, but she said she sees no reason to do so. I'm having a mammogram in late May, so I'll see her once I have the films. I'll be seeing her, my medical oncologist and my radiation oncologist around that time frame. Gee they're almost like family, lol.
I was flipping through channels this evening and caught a bit of the Country Music Television (CMT) awards. Did you know that Carrie Underwood is a human Barbie doll? She looks just like her. I'm wondering if Carrie and Barbie have ever been seen in the same room together. Hmmmmm.....
On Saturday, Linda and I went to Winter Park. A friend's daughter is redoing some of her landscaping and had tons of African irises and peace lilies taken out. We have them now. Yay, free flowers! We also went to Whole Foods Market while in Winter Park and I got some Stravecchio Parmesan that I tasted the last time I was there. Awesome. I found this tidbit on a website: Stravecchio (extra-old) Parmesan is aged over two years. "Vecchio" (old) is aged from 1 1/2 to 2 years. These two are the cheeses sold and used for grating. Most Parmesan is sold as "vecchio".
That's your Italian lesson for the day. Old or extra-old, it's good stuff!
I saw my surgeon this afternoon to have her check out the area of my lumpectomy scar. She said it's very typical for there to be residual swelling of the tissue after radiation and that it could be that way for some time. She checked it out via ultrasound her examining room and didn't see any fluid that sometimes accumulates. So everything is okay, thank God. My doc said that the only way to be 100% sure it's nothing serious is to remove it, but she said she sees no reason to do so. I'm having a mammogram in late May, so I'll see her once I have the films. I'll be seeing her, my medical oncologist and my radiation oncologist around that time frame. Gee they're almost like family, lol.
I was flipping through channels this evening and caught a bit of the Country Music Television (CMT) awards. Did you know that Carrie Underwood is a human Barbie doll? She looks just like her. I'm wondering if Carrie and Barbie have ever been seen in the same room together. Hmmmmm.....
Friday, April 11, 2008
Not that today seems any different than any other day. Kinda dull. But that's okay. Not much planned for the weekend. Doing stuff around the house and visiting with bro and family. And attempting to stay cool....high in the high eighties for the next few days.
I have an appointment with my surgeon Monday afternoon. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Love ya.
I have an appointment with my surgeon Monday afternoon. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Love ya.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
A new favorite
My newest favorite thing for cooking: panko bread crumbs. Today I made chicken breaded with them and baked in the oven. Crispy on the outside and moist on the inside. I also made angel hair pasta with spinach, olive oil and garlic. And a small glass of Merlot. I'm really trying to eat healthier, but I still crave chocolate. A lot. :(
I haven't been checking the surgical site of my lumpectomy because it was still tender from radiation. That's all healed now and I noticed that the scar feels rather thick. It's probably normal, but I spoke to a nurse at my medical oncologist's office and inquired if I should see my surgeon to have her look at it. She agreed, so I'm hoping to get an appointment tomorrow or early next week. She's in surgery on Thursdays. I'm almost positive it's just the scar that I'm feeling, but I'm not taking any chances. I'll keep you all posted. :)
I haven't been checking the surgical site of my lumpectomy because it was still tender from radiation. That's all healed now and I noticed that the scar feels rather thick. It's probably normal, but I spoke to a nurse at my medical oncologist's office and inquired if I should see my surgeon to have her look at it. She agreed, so I'm hoping to get an appointment tomorrow or early next week. She's in surgery on Thursdays. I'm almost positive it's just the scar that I'm feeling, but I'm not taking any chances. I'll keep you all posted. :)
Yesterday I chopped down some more shrubs, did some housework, gave the dogs a bath and washed all their bedding and mine. Today I can't move without pain. I keep testing my limits it seems. So for the second time this week, I'm using a ThermaCare back wrap and downing ibuprofen.
I'm working on some writing projects, so that is my focus today. It's supposed to get hot today (already is), so that simple fact will deter any ambitions of working outside. Sigh.
I'm working on some writing projects, so that is my focus today. It's supposed to get hot today (already is), so that simple fact will deter any ambitions of working outside. Sigh.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Prayer Request
My dear friend Rachel commented on yesterday's post and shared that she found a breast lump and will be seeing her doctor soon. Most lumps are benign, but it's imperative to get it checked out. Please join with me in prayer for Rachel. Thanks!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I went to upload some pics from my camera and what do I see? The blue screen of death. On my fairly new PC. I was able to restart it in safe mode, but I'm really not sure what's wrong. Have I backed up my files? No, of course not. I like living dangerously.
Today I planted 4 tomato plants: 2 Roma, 1 Cherry and the other I can't remember. I also planted mint and parsley. I transplanted my rosemary into the ground in the hopes it will flourish better than it has in the planter for 2 years. I have cucumber seeds to plant, the pickling kind. Those are my favorite to munch. I couldn't find any plants, so I'll have to start them from seed. I would love to plant more things, but the garden didn't do so hot last year and I'm not in the mood to waste money trying again.
Speaking of hot, the hot flashes have returned. I'm not sure if it's from the tamoxifen or just me sailing into menopause. I hope it's the latter; the sweating will be worth it. When I come in from outside, I look like I just ran a marathon and I can't wait to dive into the shower.
I'm going to the monthly BC support group this evening. We had some new people join us last month. It's good to give the support to someone else as I was blessed to receive from so many. Other than looking for writing work, not too much else is happening. Ciao!
Today I planted 4 tomato plants: 2 Roma, 1 Cherry and the other I can't remember. I also planted mint and parsley. I transplanted my rosemary into the ground in the hopes it will flourish better than it has in the planter for 2 years. I have cucumber seeds to plant, the pickling kind. Those are my favorite to munch. I couldn't find any plants, so I'll have to start them from seed. I would love to plant more things, but the garden didn't do so hot last year and I'm not in the mood to waste money trying again.
Speaking of hot, the hot flashes have returned. I'm not sure if it's from the tamoxifen or just me sailing into menopause. I hope it's the latter; the sweating will be worth it. When I come in from outside, I look like I just ran a marathon and I can't wait to dive into the shower.
I'm going to the monthly BC support group this evening. We had some new people join us last month. It's good to give the support to someone else as I was blessed to receive from so many. Other than looking for writing work, not too much else is happening. Ciao!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
No, I'm not referring to Monty Python here. I occasionally receive comments from spammers on this blog. I try to delete them as I soon as I see them, but if you see one that says something like, "click here," please don't! I'd hate see someone contract a nasty virus from my blog.
Friday, April 4, 2008
New Kid Pics
The new pictures are at the bottom of this page.
The one of the dogs isn't new, but it's one of my favorites. My niece Angela took it a few years back. Levi is playing with his catnip-filled squirrel at Christmas in the other one.
The one of the dogs isn't new, but it's one of my favorites. My niece Angela took it a few years back. Levi is playing with his catnip-filled squirrel at Christmas in the other one.
Absolutely cosmic!
So the temp is supposed to reach 89 degrees today and thunderstorms are in the forecast. Yours truly is not spending time outside today. No way. I have company coming in May AND June and I have PLENTY to keep me busy inside the house.
I am still reading the Einstein biography. I guess I'm trying to learn some physics. In addition to the biography, I had borrowed "Physics for Dummies" from the library. I must be less than a dummy, cuz that crap was all over my head. I then borrowed "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics." That one's a little better. So as I'm contemplating the cosmos, I've decided that being an idiot must be worse than being a dummy, moronically speaking. I will continue this research down to the subatomic level and will report back when I have observable data to share.
Enjoy your weekend!
I am still reading the Einstein biography. I guess I'm trying to learn some physics. In addition to the biography, I had borrowed "Physics for Dummies" from the library. I must be less than a dummy, cuz that crap was all over my head. I then borrowed "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics." That one's a little better. So as I'm contemplating the cosmos, I've decided that being an idiot must be worse than being a dummy, moronically speaking. I will continue this research down to the subatomic level and will report back when I have observable data to share.
Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Spring or Summer?
This past week I've spent a small fortune on garden stuff....for the lawn, outside of the house, etc. However, it's too darn hot to stay outside for too long! I think the high was 84 today. And humid. It's supposed to get even hotter the next couple of days. ICK.
I chopped down quite a bit of my ligustrum bushes in the back. They are now a mere shadow of their former selves. I may have gotten a little carried away. It's like giving a bad haircut (I don't cut hair, mine or anyone else's!); you make a mistake, then you just don't know when to quit. Not to worry...I couldn't kill them if I tried. Anyway, I want to move 4 from outside the screened porch to the side of the house. I want to plant a veggie garden where those 4 are now. Vegetable gardening is a bit of a challenge here. Not like Pennsylvania. I used to have a really nice veggie garden every summer after I bought my grandfather's house in New Castle. He worked the ground so much that the soil was incredibly rich. I still think about how he used to garden a plot the size of an entire city lot next to the house, with every vegetable imaginable, including corn. He had cold frames for lettuce, had 2 grape arbors (Concord and white Muscat), and pear trees, one of which he grafted two types on one tree. He was amazing. I used to LOVE to spend time there as a kid. I'll be lucky to produce some tomatoes and cucumbers down here. I have a small tangerine tree that has some blossoms, but I don't think I'll get fruit from it this year. It's very cute though!
I chopped down quite a bit of my ligustrum bushes in the back. They are now a mere shadow of their former selves. I may have gotten a little carried away. It's like giving a bad haircut (I don't cut hair, mine or anyone else's!); you make a mistake, then you just don't know when to quit. Not to worry...I couldn't kill them if I tried. Anyway, I want to move 4 from outside the screened porch to the side of the house. I want to plant a veggie garden where those 4 are now. Vegetable gardening is a bit of a challenge here. Not like Pennsylvania. I used to have a really nice veggie garden every summer after I bought my grandfather's house in New Castle. He worked the ground so much that the soil was incredibly rich. I still think about how he used to garden a plot the size of an entire city lot next to the house, with every vegetable imaginable, including corn. He had cold frames for lettuce, had 2 grape arbors (Concord and white Muscat), and pear trees, one of which he grafted two types on one tree. He was amazing. I used to LOVE to spend time there as a kid. I'll be lucky to produce some tomatoes and cucumbers down here. I have a small tangerine tree that has some blossoms, but I don't think I'll get fruit from it this year. It's very cute though!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
April 2, 1999
The day I lost my mom. Hard to believe it's been 9 years. I try not to dwell on this too often; I can get very depressed when I do. After losing your parents, life changes significantly. I still miss them every single day.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I may be overdoing it
It doesn't take much at all for me to get incredibly tired. It's a different tired than chemo or radiation tired. More like exhausted. It's hot out today and a little humid. I was drenched after I trimmed hedges and took the dogs for a quick spin. I usually need a nap around 4:00 or 5:00 in the afternoon. I haven't been sleeping great, either. Having all sorts of weird dreams. I have to keep reminding myself that it's going to take some time before I stop tiring so easily. It can be frustrating! Sigh.
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