Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bella Bella

Yesterday Ms. Bella had 6 teeth removed. She was not in a good mood when I brought her home. She seems a bit better today, but is not quite ready to sink the teeth she has left into a big chunk of sirloin. Not that I would do that, mind you. The really odd thing....Stella is keeping far away from her. She won't even lay on the slumber ball with her. VERY odd. Stella is kind of goofy by nature, but this is just weird. They are very rarely apart so I didn't expect the cold shoulder toward Bella. Nice going, Stella. Way to be there for your sister. Pffft!

On Thursday I bought paint at Lowe's. I am going to paint the rest of the house myself. Yes, that is correct. The summer before last, my niece Marissa painted my 2 guest rooms and the guest bath. I did the patching. This time, I will attempt to do all the other rooms myself. I am SO tired of the boring white walls. This should be fun.

Later on Thursday Linda and I separated the tons of lilies and irises. Now I'm trying to figure out where to plant them. All the work I've been doing outside is paying off. It's starting to look good. Lots more to do, but the progress is encouraging.

Today we're going to a garden show sponsored by the DeLand Garden Club. My sister Van was here last year when we went. Beautiful homes and beautiful gardens to view and then you come home and get depressed when you look at your own stuff in comparison. Oddly enough, I'm looking forward to it again! ;-)

1 comment:

linda baker said...

I would be pissed off if someone pulled 6 of my teeth too!!!! I bet she felt like crap, poor pup! Hines hopes that i never do that to her.