Saturday, June 28, 2008

New Kitty

I saw my surgeon on Friday and everything is cool. She wants to see me again after my next mammogram in 6 months. I went to lymphodema therapy on Friday and I don't need to go back unless it flares up. The therapist is ordering a compression sleeve for me that I'll need to wear when I fly. The cabin pressure can cause tissue to swell, and with lymphedema, that's not a good thing.

I've been job hunting. Nothing so far. I need something soon....I'm bored and I need to make some money.

My brother's family has a new kitty. His name is Rambo. He's pretty cute. If Rambo is a play on "rambunctious," it fits, trust me. The dogs are freaked out by him. I hope they get used to him soon. Levi hasn't met him yet.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Glad to hear that all is going well with you. The kitty is so pretty! Write soon!