Thursday, July 24, 2008


I've been busy this week, getting ready for my trip, looking for work, cleaning, doing laundry and attempting to get rid of this ear infection once and for all. I made a return trip to the ER on Tuesday as I really wasn't feeling any better. The ER doc said that my ear had cleared up, but there was probably some fluid in the station tube behind the eardrum. She prescribed a decongestant and that seems to be working. She said I'd be okay to fly.

Today's a busy day...have a few appointments and some errands to run in the afternoon, including seeing my radiation oncologist for a follow-up (I thought it was next month) and I'm picking up my compression sleeve from my occupational therapist.

Friday is the MRI for my hip, then I need to pack not only for myself, but my dogs and cat for their vacation with my brother's family. I take frequent breaks, trust me.

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