Got in late Friday afternoon. The flight was briefly delayed because thunderstorms moved into the Orlando area around the time we would've been boarding. We left maybe 25 minutes later, but the flight was fine, my ear didn't bother me and it arrived just maybe 20 minutes late. Chrissy and the boys picked me up. They're so cute!
The weather has been gorgeous. It's actually been very cool in the mornings and evenings. I've been sleeping with a window open and this morning I awoke to cows mooing at the dairy farm across the road. Loved it!
Yesterday I brought Becky with me to church. It's always a blessing to see all the super folks there. Then the family all got together at Anita's. Got to spend some quality time with my adorable great-nephews and great-niece. Ravioli, meatballs, roasted chicken, fresh veggies, dessert...the food was great and we had a really good time.
I'm running a few errands today and calling some friends. Wednesday morning I have an appointment with the ENT doc I went to while living here. Amazingly, he participates in my insurance plan.
Love and blessings to all...will write again soon. xoxoxo