Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I want a bailout, too!

Since we're bailing out every Tom, Dick and Harry out there, I want to put my name in the mix. The gov't (meaning all of you) can pay my mortgage for me. It's only fair, right? C'mon, people, where's the love?

Now that I've gotten today's mini-rant off my chest, I'll continue. Funny I mentioned the word "chest." Last night was my monthly BC support group meeting. There were just 10 of us this month and half either have had or are planning to have reconstruction surgery post-mastectomy. I just had a lumpectomy, so the conversation was very enlightening. Curiously enough, it became a sort of show-and-tell exercise. I got to see what reconstructed breasts look like aside from seeing pictures online and in brochures. They look very natural, in fact, one woman's looked so fabulous I briefly entertained the thought of getting rid of mine and starting all over again! HA! If weren't for the fact that the process takes months and can present serious complications, I might seriously consider it.

Food item: I've been trying to cut most of the highly processed foods out of my diet. Every now and then, though, I must make an exception. So, if you like yeast rolls (and I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't), you've got to try Sister Schubert's. They are sinfully delicious. They can be found in the freezer section of most grocery stores.

There's a night launch of Shuttle Endeavor Friday and my niece Angela and I are considering driving to Cape Canaveral (well, most likely Titusville) to watch. It may be delayed due to weather, though, so we'll see. That's one of the very few things on my bucket list.

I'm going to post a Scripture passage at the top of my blog every time I post. Good for me, good for you!

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