Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Today the pups turned six. It just seems like yesterday they were born!

I picked up girlfriend from the vet's about 3 pm today. I felt bad when I dropped her off this morning. She was so nervous she was shaking and dropped a turd in the waiting room. I wonder if dogs get embarrassed. She had to have 2 teeth pulled (rats), but did really well. The vet assistant told me she probably wouldn't feel like eating. She doesn't know Stella! She wanted food as soon as we got home. Anyway, I'm glad that's over with.

In addition to volunteering one afternoon a week at the Cancer Institute, I'm also going to volunteer one afternoon a week in the hospital's PR/Marketing department. It's good experience and I'm hoping to pick up some more freelance work. I'm starting tomorrow. It should be fun!

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