Today, July 22nd, marks 22 years since my oldest brother, Eddie, lost a brief but excruciating battle with cancer. I really, really miss him. And of course, my brother John is always on my mind. The death of a loved one is such a deeply profound loss.
I didn't get to sleep until 3:30 last night then dreamed of Eddie. He had cancer in my dream but he was functioning and pretty much himself. I dream of my folks often. In some way it's comforting, but in another it's sad.
Miss him too. :( Miss all of them.
Yesterday was my grandpa's b-day and the 5th was the 24th anniversary of his death. Adam's grandma passing away last certainly has been a weird summer.
Thanks for sharing with us Sue. It means a lot for your friends to share your grief and your pain. Wish I could "do" something to help you through all of this.
loving you with my prayers! Rachel
Praying for you this morning, Sue.
Love, Jean
Thank you all. <3
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