In the midst of all that happened this summer, I almost missed a milestone. My breast cancer surgery was July 2007 so I have passed the 2 year mark. Had a mammogram earlier this month, all clear. Saw my radiation oncologist who told me since I see my medical oncologist and surgeon regularly, there is no need to see him going forward unless I'm having issues related to radiation treatment. I see my medical oncologist next week and my surgeon the week after. Sometimes I feel as if it's been many years since diagnosis and treatment. Needless to say, I am grateful.
My friend Joyce accompanied me to South Florida this past weekend. We visited with my cousins and Aunt Jean and Uncle Sam. I also finally got to meet Grace, my cousin Kimberly's baby. What a cutie. She has quite an intensity about her. Very observant. And very cute.
Monday I had my appointment with the Italian Consulate in Coral Gables. I submitted my translated and certified long form birth certificate. In a few months I'll receive my certificate of Italian citizenship and can then apply for an Italian passport. Funny, since I don't even have an American one! And who knows when or if I'll ever make it to Italy. At least I'll be prepared.
Marissa heads to Spain for a year soon. She'll be in Toledo teaching English. She's pretty excited about the whole thing. When she comes back she wants to look into grad school, maybe Penn State. My youngest niece started her first year at University of South Florida in Tampa, the same school that Joe, Angela and Marissa attended. She actually had enough credits to enter as a sophomore. Our little girl is growing up! :(
Wow! Congratulations on the two year mark. Very encouraging indeed!
Love to read your posts. keep them coming! :-)
Great news about your recovery! Just be diligent and vigilant!
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