I'd sure like to know. I was trying to copy my address book from Windows Mail to Thunderbird Mail (Firefox program) and instead of copying the book as one unit to my desktop, each single contact was pasted to my desktop. An enormous amount of stuff. I started deleting them and somehow lost my recycle bin. I can't find it after doing a search on my entire hard drive. This is going to take some time. Grrr.
The Super Bowl last night was surprisingly good and, not to offend any Pats fans out there, I was pleased to see the underdog prevail. The commercials were better than last year, at least the ones I saw, because my reflex is to turn my brain and eyes from the TV during each and every (felt like hundreds of) commercial breaks. I think I liked the E*TRADE commercials with the baby trader best.
The most bizarre challenge I've ever seen was when BB threw a red flag after the Giants were caught with too many players on the field, by the literal ONE FOOT of the player leaving the field after a substitution. Weird.
I thought Fox Sports did a great job. I was also surprised to see Tom Petty in fine form, wondering prior to the game why he was chosen to perform. I liked the song set and was grateful for the absence of over-the-top light shows and fireworks. Maybe because, like Tom, I am of a certain age. ;)
I am desperately looking for a clip of an inspirational video piece near the end of Fox's pre-game show featuring a Russell Crowe voice-over. My hunt for the clip has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Mr. Crowe is my
favorite actor. Just a coincidence.
I saw my surgeon today and reviewed the pros and cons of removing my port at this time. She prefers to wait until I've had a follow up mammogram and PT scan, just as a precaution, but said she'll take it out sooner if I prefer. I mentioned my concern over my insurance changing to who-knows-what on March 1st. She said if that's a concern, then she'll have no problem doing it before the end of the month. I've been trying to find out who will be my provider starting next month, but it's going to take a bit more digging. I also showed her this hard little knot that I discovered over the weekend between my left thumb and forefinger. She thinks it's a ganglion cyst and said I can have it aspirated if it's bothering me. I also found out that I can weed-whack to my heart's content and that I really haven't had any major restrictions with the port all this time. Nice to know!
My radiation oncologist is out of the office this week and his nurse-practitioner saw his patients today instead of Tuesday. I'm happy to report I've lost 2 pounds...yay! She said the pinkness of my skin is just what she would expect to see halfway through treatment and she also confirmed my recent fatigue is also common at this point. I showed her the cyst on my hand and she concurred with my surgeon. I told her I will probably always be paranoid about every little thing from this point on and she said it's a perfectly normal reaction. Perfectly normal to be paranoid. Great.