Today the port was removed from my arm. My surgeon did this enjoyable procedure in her office. She started by shooting my arm up with loads of lidocaine. The nurse warned me it would hurt and said she would hold my hand to squeeze hers, if needed. I did. OWWWWW!!! At least my arm numbed up quickly and I didn't feel the subsequent injections nearly as much. My surgeon then started to dig the thing out. Digging it out from scar tissue. EWWW. She told me that it was easier to remove a port that's been in place for awhile rather than one that's been there for a short period. Apparently scar tissue softens over time, therefore easier to mess with. Mine was at the tough as nails stage. The nurse also told me I might feel the tiny tube that is threaded up a vein in your arm to somewhere over your heart. Another reason why I was anxious to get it out! Anyway, I did feel a little flutter as she was pulling it out. Very weird.
Before the doc came in to remove the port, I was sitting in the room with nothing to do.

I read everything on the walls, then just sat there looking out the window. I saw this thing in the tree and I first thought it was some big hawk or something. Upon closer inspection I discovered it was an owl! Very cool. I grabbed my phone to take a few pics (Yes, I know they're too dark).
Then another one appeared and a turf war ensued.
After a few moments, the intruder swooped down from the tree and not too long after that the other one left, too. And they really do swoop! When my doc and her nurse came in the room I exclaimed, "There was an owl in the tree out there!" They said, "An owl?!" in a tone that suggested they were perhaps just humoring me. Just like you all are doing right now.
After I came home, I rested for awhile then made angel hair pasta with olive oil and garlic. I also had a glass of Pinot Grigio to celebrate. One more thing checked off my to-do list!
Ew, the port removal sounded like three kinds of fun, but at least it's out! Yay!
That is so cool to see those owls. i would have loved to see that. Although it was an unpleasant experience to get the port out, i bet it is great to have it out.
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