I've been wearing bandannas 90% of the time, sometimes with a cap and I rarely wear a wig. Today is the first day I just wore a cap. My hair is just about filled in everywhere and it's getting thick. Now I'm just waiting for it to grow longer! There's not as much gray as I thought there'd be, but enough to make me want to color it soon. Need the okey-dokey from my doc first.
I love watching the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show every year and last night they awarded Best in Show. We had tornado watches all day and it was raining off and on. Well, I was losing the satellite signal now and then and don't you know, the minute the judge was carrying the ribbon and would announce the winner in 2 seconds, I lost the signal again! Grrr!

If you like dog shows, dogs in general or just great satire, check out the movie "Best in Show." One of my favorites. I can't help but think of Fred Willard doing the color commentary at the "Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show" when watching the real thing. Hilarious movie!
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