Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I went to upload some pics from my camera and what do I see? The blue screen of death. On my fairly new PC. I was able to restart it in safe mode, but I'm really not sure what's wrong. Have I backed up my files? No, of course not. I like living dangerously.

Today I planted 4 tomato plants: 2 Roma, 1 Cherry and the other I can't remember. I also planted mint and parsley. I transplanted my rosemary into the ground in the hopes it will flourish better than it has in the planter for 2 years. I have cucumber seeds to plant, the pickling kind. Those are my favorite to munch. I couldn't find any plants, so I'll have to start them from seed. I would love to plant more things, but the garden didn't do so hot last year and I'm not in the mood to waste money trying again.

Speaking of hot, the hot flashes have returned. I'm not sure if it's from the tamoxifen or just me sailing into menopause. I hope it's the latter; the sweating will be worth it. When I come in from outside, I look like I just ran a marathon and I can't wait to dive into the shower.

I'm going to the monthly BC support group this evening. We had some new people join us last month. It's good to give the support to someone else as I was blessed to receive from so many. Other than looking for writing work, not too much else is happening. Ciao!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hi Sue,

I hope your garden turns out better this year. I know the frustration of leaving the good ole Pennsylvania soil. Colorado clay is horrible! We have to amend, amend and amend some more. It takes effort but you can grow out here you just have to transport all of Pennsylvania into a truck and dump it in your yard! Anyway, I hope it goes better for you this year.

Sorry about your computer! Let us know what happens.

Please pray for me, I found a lump on my breast about five weeks ago. I read all about hormonal cysts on-line and thought I should wait through one full cycle, which I did and it hasn't gone away. I'm going to make a doctor's appointment today. I didn't know whether to post this prayer request or send you a personal e-mail but hey its a blog about breast cancer so I thought I may as well go ahead and spill my guts to the listening audience. LOL

Love ya
