Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yadda, yadda, yadda

I'd like to blog more often, but I've been running out of things to talk about, in case you haven't noticed. Part of it is me just being lazy. I need some motivation. What kind of updates would you like me to post about?


Rachel said...

I love hearing about your life, even though I don't comment a lot. I would love it even more if you would include a picture of yourself occasionally! It's been eleven years since I've seen you! UGH! Anyway, I love just hearing about the ins and outs of your every day life. It doesn't have to be earth shattering but just the every day stuff of a good old friend from Pennsylvania!
love ya

Susan said...

Eleven years?! Sheesh. Well, I hate pics of me so that's one reason why I don't post them, lol. The other reason is mostly for privacy. I rarely post any pics identifying someone, because there are just too many weirdos out there!

I'll send you some pics via email. :)