Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A non-racist, non-redneck, native western Pennsylvanian, sitting here bitterly clinging to my guns and religion

I sat here earlier today and wrote a post detailing the very newsworthy items about Barack Obama that the mainstream press sat on, ignored or brushed over. I decided not to post it. What's the point? We elected someone we know very little about. Done, it's over. What I have done this morning is join several PACs and I, along with many like-minded friends, will start to work immediately on the mid-term elections in '10. I posted earlier in the fall that I would not use this as a political forum. Well, it's my blog and I just changed my mind. If you're offended, you have the right to ignore it.

God bless America.


chrissy said...

GUNS, Auntie?

And you have the right to post whatever you want about Obama! You're absolutely's YOUR blog!

Susan said...

Thanks, Niecey.

The "guns and religion" is a paraphrase from comments Obama made to a group of private supporters in San Francisco. He was referring to small town Pennsylvanians. And of course, John Murtha first calling western Pennsylvanians racist, and then when he tried to backpedal he said that until a few years agos we were rednecks. Not very encouraging that PA still went blue. Oh well, life goes on.