Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chemo brain strikes again

Once again, I am using my favorite excuse for acts of stupidity. As you can see, my Mexican Petunias are falling over from the weight of ice. We had incredibly low temps last night and my sprinklers were scheduled to run last night. Of course, I forgot to turn them off. Fortunately these plants are extremely hard to kill and in fact, are listed as an invasive species in Florida, so I won't lose any sleep...they'll be back in droves in no time.

It is unusual to see a Crape Myrtle covered in ice. Looks pretty. They are all well established, so they will be fine.

The same cannot be said for the one remaining hibiscus in my back yard. It may survive, but it's dicey. It is currently under cover for the night. My potted plants are currently sleeping on my sunporch, so they are tucked safely away from the cold.

John is back at Greer House tonight and happy to be there. He was discouraged and frustrated this past week, but his spirits sound better already. The staff at AGH didn't want to tap him again for fear of infection and/or bleeding. John said in 2 weeks they'll start evaluating him for a transplant. Keep him in your prayers!

Dick Morris, a political pundit and former advisor to Pres. Clinton, writes about the things we can expect in the next 4 years. It most definitely makes me very uneasy. You can read it at The Obama Presidency - Here Comes Socialism.

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