Thursday, January 15, 2009

Moving ahead...

Well, John had a good night's sleep and his BP came up a bit. They didn't need to move him into ICU, thank God. He's going to be transferred to Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh to their new liver center tomorrow I believe. They'd like him to get him more stable then they will discuss the possibility of going on the transplant list. He's eager to go. This is becoming a bit of a rollercoaster ride (I hate rollercoasters), but God is answering prayers.

I've gotten through all my doctor appointments, except the dentist. I'm going to try to get in sooner than I was scheduled. The angelic beasts are getting their shots next week. Just need a few other things to fall into place so I can make a trip to PA.

For all of you in the frozen tundra...stay warm, stay safe and stay home!

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