Friday, May 22, 2009

Another long day

John was at AGH by 7:00 a.m. Van and I got there at 10:30. They started giving him plasma after we got there (why not earlier, I don't know). It was mid-afternoon and they were about to begin platelets, but a GI doctor came in to see him and decided it was going to be too late to tap him today. So he was admitted and at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning they'll give him platelets, check his blood work and I'm praying it will be good enough to do the paracentesis.

We thought it would be a great idea for him to have a milkshake since he's moved up the food chain. He enjoyed drinking it, but about an hour later he was extremely sick. It took an IV injection of Zofran to settle his stomach. And puking helped, too. Zofran is a great drug for nausea. We felt terrible he got so sick. No more milkshakes for awhile. Around 6:00 p.m. he was moved from the short stay unit to a regular room. He was finally comfortable by the time we left at 7:00.


Jean said...

Annie eats, takes her meds, and chases it all down with Zofran on an almost daily basis. Tastes great, less filling.

re said...

Susan - Jean reminded me of your blog name (my computer ate it), so I'm back in your gallery. Praying for John's ordeal...and the fam, as well. I'll keep up this time:-)

Joyce OBrien said...

Some days we just can't win, Susan. Just know you are doing your best and the rest is up to God. Take Care!

chrissy said...

I didn't hear about that. Zofran is what I took for "morning" sickness both pregnancies! Best drug ever.

Poor Uncle Johnny. =(