Friday, May 15, 2009

Tiny steps

Saw John this morning while he was in PT. He seems a little stronger every day. He was catching and tossing a beach ball. He would not have been able to do that a week ago. In the evening he was chatting a bit and watching TV.

He seems to be tolerating the liquid diet. Of course, he could still be aspirating without any symptoms. I'm anxious for him to have the follow-up barium swallow. I'm terrified he's going to get pneumonia. After tonight's "dinner," he had a terrible case of the hiccups and some heartburn. Between that and his swollen belly, he was very uncomfortable. He had a scheduled dose of Zantac at 9:00 p.m. so that should help. And it's time for another stomach tap. That will probably be early next week.

1 comment:

Jean said...

You & your family are great advocates for John--he is blessed to have such strong support. I'll keep praying. :)