Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas blessings

First we thought John would be released Tuesday. However his GI doctor didn't want to release him....he wanted to remove more fluid and get cultures since it previously showed a bacterial infection. So on Christmas Eve, John received platelets and plasma, and had his stomach tapped again, this time removing 2100 ccs. The cultures won't be back until Monday or Tuesday so I figured he'd be in the hospital at least till then. The next day his admitting doctor was pleased with his bloodwork and said he could go home. It was the best Christmas present! He felt good enough to join us for Christmas dinner. He's tired, but in much better spirits. Praise God. We're not sure what's ahead for him, but we're just taking one day at a time.

I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas. I'll be heading back to Florida on the first.

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