Tuesday, January 6, 2009

John Update

VA Home Health Care and Southern Care (hospice) are stepping in to help John. He's going to start seeing the primary care doctor who admitted him to the hospital before Christmas. He really wants to see John be comfortable and enjoy a reasonable quality of life, for how long, only God knows. John is already in assisted living, but the extra help will be a blessing for him.

I am still working on plans to go to PA for an extended time. Some things are falling into place. Some things still need to be worked out. I would really like to be there to help out and give my sisters some relief.

I saw my surgeon yesterday and my medical oncologist today. Other than my blood work showing slight anemia, everything else is fine. My surgeon wants me to have a mammogram in addition to the breast MRI I had last month so that is scheduled for this Thursday. I'm trying to get all these doctors' appts. and tests done this month. Once I do I won't need to see them again until April. That would be good.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hi Sue, Thanks for the update. We will pray for John and that your travel plans all fall into place.
love and blessings